Fortunately, I was one among 120 other students who were
the part of first TEDx Event organised by IIT Roorkee under the theme ‘Being
and Becoming’ and it was, beyond doubts, an enriching experience. Most of the
speakers (to be forthright all except one) had something to share with the pack
of the receptive audience. Here is an essence of what truly was a revitalizing experience for your senses, morale and zeal.
by Mohit Saxena

There is nothing more satisfying and inciting than beholding
a successful alumnus. The dying hope within gets resurrected and is replaced
by a famous campaign slogan “Yes We Can”.
Mohit talked about entrepreneurship and pertinent challenges in the field and fallacies that we possess and eventually how can we overcome those as he
had in his venture InMobi of which he happen to be the VP.
He called them as 6 commandments of a successful business:
• Set up a
goal and your goal should be big. Don’t mistake a milestone with a goal.
• Success
is never easy nor has any shortcuts. It’s a waste searching for any.
• Failures
are your best mentor. Respect them and learn from them.
• Think
big. Don’t strive for local successes make your idea a global.
• Hire the
best no matter what. If you look for average you’ll always be average.
• Product
and Technology can scale much faster than people; so leverage it.
by Nehha Bhatnagar
“Men and Women are equal, it was known to us since the beginning of civilization Lord Shiva’s incarnation as Ardhnareeshwar symbolizes the significance of this equality for maintaining the balance of this world. But, on our path progress we somewhere lost these values.”
This was underlying theme of the mesmerizing Bhartnatyam performance by Nehha that left the spectators awestruck for next 20 minutes. I had always avoided
classical but this performance has changed my perception for sure. The performance captivated my mind [and so did the
beauty of performer :-)].
As they say, Nothing can beat a Live Performance.
by Harish Natarajan

The Managing Director of Bausch & Lomb, himself,
imparted his audience with the light mood they needed to ponder over his
philosophy which was delivered diligently coated with humour. His presentation
was as intriguing as its name which happens to be a quote by Woody Allen.
The theme was to
“LIVE IN PRESENT” because what you plan is not what actually happens.
“Life is not about planning but doing and experiencing.”
He suggested that most of the people when encountered by
choice spend all the time contemplating what to do and eventually end up
doing nothing. He clarified that he was not asking us to make rash decision but he
firmly believes that apprehensions of failure or assessment shall not act as a
deterrent to any activity.
He also acknowledged that a lot of people worry to make an
unorthodox choice, such as changing their streams because they think what they
have learnt heretofore will be a waste and they will have to relearn a new set
of skills. To such queries his answer was plain and simple,
“This is a dynamic world with several avenues; and trust me
you’ll have to go through 4 – 5 sectors before you find your fit. Nothing you
do ever will be a waste, everything will be an investment for future. Remember
everything you do is a dot. Alone they may seem insignificant; all the same
they are needed to make line”
He ended reemphasizing on the power doing,
“There is no recipe for success but there is failure, Never Do Anything.”
by Jodie Underhill

When you look at Jodie Underhill, CEO of Waste Warriors, the
first thing you wonder is “Why a Foreigner decided to clean India?” and when
she starts speaking you realise with a satisfactory grin that it’s not about
the place, it’s about the person she is.
Throughout the time she shows you with slides of how she is trying to
tackle the garbage issue, you can’t help yourself from being fascinated by 'how innocent
efforts by an obstinate human being can make all the difference'. The entire
auditorium stood, out of reverence, when she disclosed that she had received Amazing Indian Award (it seems after claiming all the Indian origins, we have started claiming everyone who sets foot in this country as ours :P) in spite of being a British citizen.
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