Part I: The Paradox "Life is somewhat like walking down a dark tunnel with a candle in your hand." A lthough the line in itself is explanatory, I would elaborate upon it to put rest to the slight amount of vagueness that yet lingers. When we are in a tunnel with nothing but a candle as single source of light, all that is visible to us, while making a choice of path, is a circumference of space lightened by the flame of the candle. It is very much analogous with momentary nature of our lives. Our future is dark as we are unaware of it; we might have some notions about it as we have of the path ahead but eventually it is more or less oblivious to us. Our past is dark as it is unalterable and thus cannot be of any help. Some might argue that we draw experience from our past but then, to be forthright, how often do we learn from our mistakes ( someone did right say experience is the name we give to the mistake that we so blatantly repeat in past that it unlike...